Winter brings about many hazards for everyone, bringing winter safety to the forefront of everyone’s mind. But our elderly loved ones can especially feel at risk due to snow, ice and freezing temperatures, so here are some winter safety tips for seniors:
- Walk carefully: Slipping and falling on ice is probably the most common cause of injury for seniors during winter. Be sure to wear boots with non-skid soles, and walk on plowed or cleared pathways. Falls also commonly occur inside of homes, so try to keep walkways clear and unobstructed.
- Dress warm: It doesn’t take long for anyone to get frostbite in the middle of a Minnesota winter, and seniors who have trouble walking face increased exposure times. Combat cold temperatures by dressing in layers and utilizing mittens, heavy socks, a warm hat, and a scarf. Remember, you can take a layer off if you’re too hot, but you can’t always add an extra layer.
- Don’t over exert yourself: Seniors enjoy their independence just like anyone else, including doing chores around the house. But shoveling heavy snow, especially when it’s cold, can put a lot of stress on your body and heart. If possible, have a neighbor or relative take care of your snow removal.
- Check fire and carbon monoxide detectors: When a fire occurs or carbon monoxide is present in your home, you may only have minutes to act. Make sure all the fire and carbon monoxide detectors in your home have batteries and work properly. For increased protection, check out WH Security’s smoke sensors that are monitored 24/7, so whether you’re home or away, you and emergency responders will be contacted in the event of an emergency.
- First aid: When it comes to winter hazards, it’s best to be prepared for anything. So be sure to have some extra first aid and supplies on hand.
- Take extra precautions: If you have a loved one who you’re worried about leaving alone during the winter months, consider getting a medical alert system from WH Security. These systems require your loved one to wear a bracelet, belt clip or necklace with an emergency button they press when an incident occurs - signaling the monitoring center that they need help. Medical alert systems provide around-the-clock assistance with professional dispatchers. In the event of an emergency, dispatchers will contact your loved one live, through the medical alert. If no response is received, medical personnel are dispatched immediately to assist. GPS tracking capabilities are also available.
For more information, call a WH Security representative at (763) 477-3664 or visit WH Security’s medical alert page.