Lindsay Scherer
Lindsay Scherer is a communications specialist at WH Security, who received her bachelor of science degree in mass communications/public relations from St. Cloud State University. Drawing from her public relations background, Lindsay provides the company with creative insights and attention to detail. In addition to her work at WH Security, she enjoys running, volleyball, dabbling in photography, and spending time with family and friends.
Articles by Lindsay Scherer
Wireless home automation system
What do you think of when you think of wireless home automation? I’ll be honest with you. Even though I work at a security company, I still think of an episode of The Simpsons. [...]
Security sytem monitoring
When you decide to install a home security system, in addition to deciding what types of sensors will work best for your needs, you should also consider who will be monitoring your system. [...]
Home automation systems
Home automation systems are becoming more popular in homes, but do you know how they can benefit you and help protect your home? [...]
Protect your pet
I’ve always had a soft-spot for dogs. There’s just something so terribly sincere about them. If you’re a dog owner, you can definitely empathize with this: Dogs love their owners unconditionally. In return, all they really want at the end of the day is a little pat on the head and to be told “Good dog.” [...]
Home energy management system
If you’re looking for a way to take control of your energy use, a home energy management system may be a great solution for you. [...]