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Home Security System Blog
WH Security Blog

Keep up-to-date with trends and security issues that may impact your home or business.

Home energy management system

August 13, 2012 Home Energy Management

If you’re looking for a way to take control of your energy use, a home energy management system may be a great solution for you. [...]

Security systems for businesses - they just make sense

July 23, 2012 Business security

Are you thinking about getting a security system for your business? You probably already know that a business security system can help protect your business from break-ins, but they have many additional advantages as well. [...]

Beeping smoke detectors: telling the difference between your security system sensors and other smoke sensors

June 21, 2012 Fire prevention

I often get calls asking about beeping smoke detectors, and one of today’s biggest challenges is finding out what’s beeping...

Take caution with door-to-door sales programs

May 30, 2012 Personal Safety

With warm weather already upon us, many door-to-door security sales representatives will be out in full force trying to acquire new customers. Unfortunately, it is becoming more and more common for these sales reps to use unethical selling practices, including falsely identifying themselves as employees of their targets’ security companies. Below is a list of tips posted by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) that you may find helpful if you happen to find yourself in this situation.

Why would I want an alarm in my window screen?

Most people with home security systems choose to include door and window sensors to protect their homes from intrusion. That way, if a door or window is opened, the alarm will trigger. But what if you want to have your windows open while your system is activated, and still be protected? Screen sensors from WH Security can help you do just that! [...]