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Home Security System Blog
WH Security Blog

Keep up-to-date with trends and security issues that may impact your home or business.

Family Safety

Can a security system help me track my teenager?

May 1, 2012 Child Safety

Are you concerned about what your teenager is doing while you’re not around? Do you want to make sure they don’t sneak out at night? A security system can definitely help with these concerns. [...]

The benefits of having multiple access codes for your security system

March 13, 2012 Child Safety

Whenever I install an alarm system, I take pride in teaching its users the system’s capabilities – and it all starts with the access code. Most customers don’t know that there are many ways to utilize your access code that will make your system more secure. [...]

Will pets set-off an alarm system?

October 4, 2011 Pet Safety

This is the age old question asked by most pet owners who are looking to buy an alarm system: Will pets set-off an alarm system? [...]

Seven tips to prevent credit card theft

September 26, 2011 Personal Safety

I was shocked by the phone call I received. It was my bank calling to ask if I tried to make two large purchases at stores in California. Given that I was in Minnesota that same day, I knew it wasn’t possible. Luckily my bank had declined the charge attempts. [...]

Prevent yourself from becoming a statistic

September 1, 2011 Personal Safety

According to the FBI, homes are broken into every 30 seconds in the United States. Additionally, recent studies have shown that demand is rising for private security service in the U.S. to combat this statistic. [...]