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Home Security System Blog
WH Security Blog

Keep up-to-date with trends and security issues that may impact your home or business.

Home Security

Snowbirds: Protect your home from feeze damage while you're away

January 10, 2012 Seasonal / Vacation

I have a couple of friends that have second homes in the southern part of the country. They all share a major concern: Is there a way to keep an eye on my home in Minnesota while I’m away? [...]

Why smoke/fire sensors matter

December 2, 2011 Fire prevention

When considering the benefits of a home security system, what usually comes to mind is protection from burglary. Security systems reach far beyond that, and can protect your home from a variety of other threats. One important danger you can protect against is a house fire.[...]

Protect your home from CO this winter

November 18, 2011 Environmental Hazards

Making your home a safe environment involves more than just preventing burglaries. You may want to consider installing additional sensors – such as carbon monoxide (CO) sensors – that help protect your home from other dangers. [...]

Freeze sensors protect against frozen pipes

November 7, 2011 Environmental Hazards

During the cold winter months, it’s important to think about the effect weather can have on your home.

Cabin Security System - Protecting your cabin during the winter

October 27, 2011 Seasonal / Vacation

Many Minnesotans who have summer homes or cabins received a rare opportunity to enjoy their vacation spots a little longer than usual this year, thanks to the extension of warm weather into October. Unfortunately, we know that this won’t last forever and soon your cabin will need to be buttoned up until next spring.