WH Security Blog
Keep up-to-date with trends and security issues that may impact your home or business.

911 down? No problem!
September 29, 2020
The 911 emergency system was down in several areas nationwide for a few hours on Monday, September 28, but that had no effect on WH Security or its customers.
How do home monitoring security systems work?
October 1, 2014
Learn how WH Security's home monitoring security systems work.

Why WH Security will be upgrading from 2G cellular communication to 3G
September 30, 2014
Learn why WHSecurity will be upgrading from 2Gcellular communication to 3Gand what you need to do.
Why it is important to update your security system contact information
July 15, 2014
As a valued customer of WH Security, we would like to remind you to update your key holder contact information.
Tips for installing home security cameras
March 31, 2014
Are you considering a home security system? Here are some great tips for installing home security cameras and creating the best video surveillance possible.