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Seasonal / Vacation
How to safely kickoff the holidays
The holidays offer plenty of fun and enjoyment, but don't forget about safety and security!
Snowbirds: Protect your home from feeze damage while you're away
I have a couple of friends that have second homes in the southern part of the country. They all share a major concern: Is there a way to keep an eye on my home in Minnesota while I’m away? [...]
Cabin Security System - Protecting your cabin during the winter
Many Minnesotans who have summer homes or cabins received a rare opportunity to enjoy their vacation spots a little longer than usual this year, thanks to the extension of warm weather into October. Unfortunately, we know that this won’t last forever and soon your cabin will need to be buttoned up until next spring.
Home security systems deliver peace of mind during summer vacations
Heading up north, making it out to family reunions and going on camping trips or family vacations is par for the course during the precious months of summer. While you’re away from home this summer, few things will let you kick back and relax like a home security system. [...]