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Home Security System Blog
WH Security Blog

Keep up-to-date with trends and security issues that may impact your home or business.

Medical alerts offer peace of mind at home and on the go

January 24, 2024 WH Security Blog

Take peace of mind wherever you go with a medical alert from WH Security

Protect your pets at all times with monitored sensors from WH Security

December 6, 2023 WH Security Blog

If you have pets, you likely consider them family.

Thank you from WH Security

November 1, 2023 WH Security Blog

Happy Thanksgiving!

October is Fire Safety Month

October 3, 2023 Business security

Materials in today’s homes burn faster than ever — you may have as little as two minutes from the time the smoke alarm sounds to get out of your home.

Keep your business and employees safe and secure

September 13, 2023 Business security

It is important to protect your business and employees from potential threats.